January 14, 2018

Surrey AKI Detection Algorithm (SAKIDA) - Introduction and Software Demo


This webpage is set up to provide some support for you to use the Surrey Acute Kidney Injury Detection Software (SAKIDS) which is based on the SAKIDA algorithm.

SAKIDA screenshot

What is Acute Kidney Injury?

Acute kidney injury (AKI), previously called acute renal failure (ARF) is an abrupt loss of kidney function that develops within 7 days. It commonly occurs in hospital and is associated to death in hospital.

AKI in numbers

According to an NHS patient saftey study,

  • ”One in five emergency admissions to hospital will have AKI”
  • ”AKI is 100 times more deadly than MRSA infection”
  • ”Around 20 per cent of AKI cases are preventable”
  • ”costs of AKI to the NHS are £434-620m pa”

Why detecting Acute Kidney Injury in primary care (clinic)?

The community-acquired AKI accounts for two thirds of all AKI incidents in the UK. Although algorithms for detecting AKI exist, they are mainly designed for use in the hospital setting where serum creatinine is regularly monitored, about once a day. For this reason, we have designed the SAKIDA (Surrey Acute Kidney Injury Detection Algorithm) which is more suitable for use in the primary care setting.

So, how do I use SAKIDA?

First download the software. Then read the help page. Do check out the demo below.

If you want to use the software for your research or to run it on a large database of patients, please do get in touch with me. I will be thrilled to hear from you.

What’s under the hood?

To find out more:

   title={Automatic detection of acute kidney injury episodes from primary care data},
   author={Tirunagari, Santosh and Bull, Simon C and Vehtari, Aki and Farmer, Christopher and de Lusignan, Simon and Poh,    Norman},
   booktitle={Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on},

Cite this blog post


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      title = { Surrey AKI Detection Algorithm (SAKIDA) - Introduction and Software Demo },
      howpublished = {\url{ http://normanpoh.github.com/blog/2018/01/14/sakida.html},
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